True, mimes are hell on property assessments. But they make good neighbors. Even if they have a fight, you can’t tell. Although,it does get pretty rough with the occasional drive-by miming.
Bert// add cartoonist to your list. They hang around the house all day// do nothing but draw and talk to themselves. You have to be careful around them or else something you say or do will end up on the funny pages.
Now, if we could add the political speed dialers calling to ask for support for their silly-arsed candidate to the list, and all the junk mail in the box (both USPS and internet), that would be a big improvement. With the way I see things going, the junk mail won’t be around much longer. Thinking of putting a trash can next to my mailbox on the road so that the USPS driver can Pre-sort for me.
The property values there must be sky high with everyone wanting to get into the neighborhood. How do we get rezoned.He forgot the telemarketers, sales people, and church recruiters.
doc white about 13 years ago
I want one .
Ida No about 13 years ago
True, mimes are hell on property assessments. But they make good neighbors. Even if they have a fight, you can’t tell. Although,it does get pretty rough with the occasional drive-by miming.
comicgos about 13 years ago
especially the republicans!
oldpine52 about 13 years ago
Lots of luck with that.
Rodney99 about 13 years ago
I find my “Lifetime NRA Member” sticker in the front window generally gets me left alone.
bluskies about 13 years ago
Looks like he’s laying in wait, but what’s he gonna do? He’s unarmed!
dataweaver about 13 years ago
We could use something like that on these boards at times. darn mimes…
thirdguy about 13 years ago
Wait until the sign ordinance people catch up with him!
AKHenderson Premium Member about 13 years ago
Actually I’d like to see Glenn Beck and Keith Olbermann as mimes.
wilb44 about 13 years ago
Bert// add cartoonist to your list. They hang around the house all day// do nothing but draw and talk to themselves. You have to be careful around them or else something you say or do will end up on the funny pages.
dfowensby about 13 years ago
bloated fat women with noisy kids and cell phones too
Ida No about 13 years ago
Go over to Ces’t la Vie and grab one of Michael’s masks. Answer the door with that on.
psychlady about 13 years ago
I really need a place like that!!!
Harryfan about 13 years ago
How about a sign like this:
“We shoot every third solicitor and the second one just left”.Potrzebie about 13 years ago
Corner lot with a big sign in front of it. THAT devalues his property!!!!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 13 years ago
you beat me to that one…
tripwire45 about 13 years ago
Works for me, but you’ll have to create a TV, radio, and Internet free zone.
KEA about 13 years ago
‘Beware of Crocodile’ signs also help.
Duncan Idaho about 13 years ago
As Steven Wright says.. “When you shoot a mime, you should use a silencer” – no noise violations there.
yuggib about 13 years ago
Now, if we could add the political speed dialers calling to ask for support for their silly-arsed candidate to the list, and all the junk mail in the box (both USPS and internet), that would be a big improvement. With the way I see things going, the junk mail won’t be around much longer. Thinking of putting a trash can next to my mailbox on the road so that the USPS driver can Pre-sort for me.
bbear about 13 years ago
Did he consult Danae for his list items?
Varnes about 13 years ago
I need a much bigger sign than that!!
The Life I Draw Upon about 13 years ago
dabugger about 13 years ago
no, no, no breathing
yohannbiimu about 13 years ago
How about “no occupiers?” Nothing in the world is worse.
Hunter7 about 13 years ago
Too bad about the Mimes. They can be entertaining. When you need target practise.
Depauwler about 13 years ago
Why is everyone hating on mimes? It’s not like they make much noise.
DrJKnows about 13 years ago
Nebulous Premium Member about 13 years ago
As I am not planning to sell, why would I want property values to go up? That would only mean that I would have to pay higher taxes.Think about it.
TArabyte about 13 years ago
No Non-Sequiturs
Rodney99 about 13 years ago
As Gahan Wilson once said: Trespassers Will Be Experimented Upon.
bluskies about 13 years ago
Too little too late, but all I can say is “not for the couch upholstery.”
JP Steve Premium Member about 13 years ago
“Survivors will be prosecuted?”
mlswartz_99 about 13 years ago
Should have also included “Occupy Wall Street” protesters.