Which is why I’m content to avoid a dog… (while re-enacting the efforts of Pittsburgh’s famed “Steel Curtain”)“ohGodwherehaveyoubeenMissedyousomuchPayattentiontomeWhatdidyoubringmeWheredidyougoSogladyou’rebackPetmePetmeGottagopottyTakemeforawalkWhathaveyougotinthebag” etc.
and revel in the benign acknowledgement of existence by a cat…(while casting an indifferent glance) “Oh…. it’s you…”
Which is why I’m content to avoid a dog… (while re-enacting the efforts of Pittsburgh’s famed “Steel Curtain”)“ohGodwherehaveyoubeenMissedyousomuchPayattentiontomeWhatdidyoubringmeWheredidyougoSogladyou’rebackPetmePetmeGottagopottyTakemeforawalkWhathaveyougotinthebag” etc.
and revel in the benign acknowledgement of existence by a cat…(while casting an indifferent glance) “Oh…. it’s you…”