The “apology” at the bottom of panel 3 seals it. George Herriman was one of the first cartoonists of African descent, although because of the obvious prejudice at the time, this son of Creole parents chose to “pass” as white, as did his siblings.His Krazy Kat character fell in love with a mouse called Ignatz, who to the opportunity to throw bricks at him at any opportunity, which never stopped Krazy!Anyway, I remember reading the cartoons in the late 40’s and early 50’s, although they must have been reprints, because he died in 1944.
MeanBob Premium Member 2 days ago
Is that meant to be Ignatz?
Caerin Premium Member 1 day ago
The “apology” at the bottom of panel 3 seals it. George Herriman was one of the first cartoonists of African descent, although because of the obvious prejudice at the time, this son of Creole parents chose to “pass” as white, as did his siblings.His Krazy Kat character fell in love with a mouse called Ignatz, who to the opportunity to throw bricks at him at any opportunity, which never stopped Krazy!Anyway, I remember reading the cartoons in the late 40’s and early 50’s, although they must have been reprints, because he died in 1944.
Ellis97 1 day ago
Mice? Wait till you see the monopolization of dog privilege.
T Smith 1 day ago
Wouldn’t it be “specie-ist?”
Rich Douglas 1 day ago
eddi-TBH about 23 hours ago
The cultured are courteous and well-mannered. And take turns.