Pat Oliphant for March 17, 1987
Barbara Walters (writing): The Editors. The Wall Street Journal. Sirs: In weplying to the wecent scuwwilous attacks upon me wegarding my actions in cawwying messages from Mr. Ghorbanifar, the arms middleman, to Pwesident Weagan during the Iwan Arms Cwisis, let me pwotest the weckless diswegard some cowwespondents seem to have for my woyal status in the pwess world. We all know Mr. Ghorbanifer is a wuthless wogue, and I find it extweemly embawassing to my weputation to be winked with him in this wegard. We of the multi-million dollar pwess cannot be held to such wigid wules which would pwevent us fwom serving our Pwesident and Countwy. We are beyond this silly wecwimination and wepwoach. Wemember, we too, are Amewicans! I twust you will wemedy the situation and pwevent a wecuwwence of this wuthless hounding of the Media by the media. Wespectfully yours, Barbara Wa Wa. P.S. I only hope my pubwic will understand. Punk: How wude - you must be fuwious!