Another example: There was an old Bill Mauldin cartoon in which a recruit was going through basic training. He was crawling on the ground while under fire (and live ammo was being used), and he had his gluteus maximus sticking up in the air (big no-no). Apparently, he had done this before, because the drill sergeant took the guy’s helmet off, stuck on his butt and said, “If ya won’t learn, at least put this where it’ll do the most good!”
Ambush Kitten almost 2 years ago
The trick here is to hold the cap loosely, otherwise the ball can still bounce out. Am I speaking from personal experience? U betcha!
Blu Bunny almost 2 years ago
He catches them like Lucy does when she is out there.
The Reader Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Ever since Brown changed his equipment, his play has put him up for the golden hat award.
iggyman almost 2 years ago
Ah, the old “Cap and Ball” trick!
J. Shlabotnik almost 2 years ago
Catching a ball with your cap is illegal in baseball, at any level, presumably.
Blaidd Drwg Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Don’t think ‘illegal’ is the right term here.
guenette.charlie(BozoKnows) almost 2 years ago
Obviously, Charlie Brown’s fielding skills are about the same as Lucy’s.
gantech almost 2 years ago
It’s all about maximizing your resources.
Another example: There was an old Bill Mauldin cartoon in which a recruit was going through basic training. He was crawling on the ground while under fire (and live ammo was being used), and he had his gluteus maximus sticking up in the air (big no-no). Apparently, he had done this before, because the drill sergeant took the guy’s helmet off, stuck on his butt and said, “If ya won’t learn, at least put this where it’ll do the most good!”
billyk75 almost 2 years ago
CB always drops high fly balls.
Templo S.U.D. almost 2 years ago
Now how to keep the sun out of your eyes, Charlie Brown, with a mitt on your noggin?