Peanuts by Charles Schulz for March 22, 1959
"\"Where did you find it?\" Patty asks Lucy. they bend over something Lucy holds in her hands. \"He left at our house one day last summer when we were all playing under the sprinkler..\" she explains.<br> <br> \"Can you get it over your head?\" Patty asks. \"If HE can, I can!\" Lucy decides, holding out Charlie Brown's striped shirt. Violet walks up to them: \"?\"<br> <br> Patty explains to Violet: \"Lucy's putting on one of Charlie Brown's t-shirts..\" as Lucy tugs the shirt over her head.<br> <br> \"LOOK! I'm Charlie Brown!\" Lucy cries. She wears the shirt over her dress.<br> <br> \"Nobody liked me! Everybody hates me! Poor, poor me!\" Lucy moans. Patty and Violet roar with laughter.<br> <br> \"I wish I had a friend! Everybody hates me!! Nobody likes me!\" Violet and Patty collapse in each other's arms with laughter as Lucy marches around.<br> <br> \"Hey! Here comes Charlie Brown himself! Oh, boy! Just wait 'til he sees Lucy!\" Violet points. Patty agrees: \"This outght to be good!\"<br> <br> Charlie Brown and Lucy face each other. They wear identical shirts. Charlie Brown says \"!\"<br> <br> \"Well, hello there, Charlie Brown, you blockhead!!\" he greets Lucy. Patty and Violet watch this exchange.<br> <br> Charlie Brown walks away. Lucy sighs as Violet and Patty fall on the ground laughing.<br> <br>" dialogue-text,"\"Where did you find it?\" Patty asks Lucy. they bend over something Lucy holds in her hands. \"He left at our house one day last summer when we were all playing under the sprinkler..\" she explains.<br> <br> \"Can you get it over your head?\" Patty asks. \"If HE can, I can!\" Lucy decides, holding out Charlie Brown's striped shirt. Violet walks up to them: \"?\"<br> <br> Patty explains to Violet: \"Lucy's putting on one of Charlie Brown's t-shirts..\" as Lucy tugs the shirt over her head.<br> <br> \"LOOK! I'm Charlie Brown!\" Lucy cries. She wears the shirt over her dress.<br> <br> \"Nobody liked me! Everybody hates me! Poor, poor me!\" Lucy moans. Patty and Violet roar with laughter.<br> <br> \"I wish I had a friend! Everybody hates me!! Nobody likes me!\" Violet and Patty collapse in each other's arms with laughter as Lucy marches around.<br> <br> \"Hey! Here comes Charlie Brown himself! Oh, boy! Just wait 'til he sees Lucy!\" Violet points. Patty agrees: \"This outght to be good!\"<br> <br> Charlie Brown and Lucy face each other. They wear identical shirts. Charlie Brown says \"!\"<br> <br> \"Well, hello there, Charlie Brown, you blockhead!!\" he greets Lucy. Patty and Violet watch this exchange.<br> <br> Charlie Brown walks away. Lucy sighs as Violet and Patty fall on the ground laughing.<br> <br>"
decimator1337 over 10 years ago
“Build on the Rock!” is what you’re thinking about.
Meowmocha over 9 years ago
Castles in the sand.
andrewmmadsen about 9 years ago
The lesson is: “What man can build, Mother Nature can destroy.”
jbruins84341 over 8 years ago
The wise man built his house upon the rock…
yow4zip Premium Member almost 6 years ago
For once Lucy didn’t destroy it.
Nate Wright! over 3 years ago
Build waterproof sandcastles
MaverickMoPete over 1 year ago
“My name is Linusmandias, King of Kings. Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.”
JoeTheDog Premium Member about 1 month ago
that is the most ridiculous amount of rain I’ve ever seen.