Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for September 10, 2016
Marigold: How did the concentration spell work out for you? Phoebe: The results were really mixed. I kept getting stuck concentrating on random things, but I also got a weeks work of homework done in class, so my afternoons are free for a while. Also...I think my freckles might be turning rainbow-colored. Marigold: A temporary side effect, but a stylish one.
Enter.Name.Here over 8 years ago
Claire Jordan over 8 years ago
Why did they rename them skittles when they used to be called smarties? Neither name is very meaningful, but at least a smartie isn’t the name of something completely different, the way skittle is.
bigcatbusiness over 8 years ago
Skittle freckles. Oh man, not another reason to have Dakota bullying Phoebe.
DDrazen over 8 years ago
I wonder if that happens with liver spots; it would make getting old a little more fun.
fuzzybritches Premium Member over 8 years ago
ooh, I’d love to get me some rainbow-covered liver spots!
luducks over 8 years ago
I’d eat ’em!