Pickles by Brian Crane for February 04, 2009

  1. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 16 years ago

    It’s not infidelity, it’s miscegenation. I didn’t know she was a racist. Or is that sockist?

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  2. Horseshoes3
    McGehee  about 16 years ago

    And I didn’t know Earl was into casual socks.

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  3. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  about 16 years ago

    There’s a very, very good reason I buy 2 or 4 pairs of socks that are all identical. I always end up with either 1 or 2 pairs of matches.

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  4. 5346ae65734b4d0e82350407ef0d8e00 250
    cleokaya  about 16 years ago

    If socks were meant to stay together than why does one of each pair keep disappearing. Putting socks into a washing machine is the equivalent to taking a trip to Ciudad Juarez.

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  5. 00000
    alondra  about 16 years ago

    ejcapulet is right. It’s easier than trying to match them up after getting them out of the dryer.

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  6. Just checkin
    Northwoodser  about 16 years ago

    I’ve always been suspicious about exactly what goes on in my sock drawer when I’m not home.

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  7. Castle
    iowaweav  about 16 years ago

    Good one, McGehee!

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  8. Presidential seal
    m_ortal  almost 16 years ago

    They make clips that allow you to keep your socks matched through washing and drying. Safe socks, anyone.

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