I have never been a big catsup fan but my grandson and step-grandkids slather it on everything ! My grandson, I could understand. It was to disguise my daughter’s truly bad cooking. The little ones down here will even put it on their rice ! I think they are attracted to the color rather than the taste.
They used to make blue catchup for kids. I haven’t seen it in the stores down here,Do they still make that stuff ? My grandson, when he was small, loved to gross his mother out with it.
I have never been a big catsup fan but my grandson and step-grandkids slather it on everything ! My grandson, I could understand. It was to disguise my daughter’s truly bad cooking. The little ones down here will even put it on their rice ! I think they are attracted to the color rather than the taste.
They used to make blue catchup for kids. I haven’t seen it in the stores down here,Do they still make that stuff ? My grandson, when he was small, loved to gross his mother out with it.