Pluggers by Rick McKee for September 06, 2018

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    wldhrsy2luv  over 6 years ago

    They complained all the time when the front seat was a bench seat.

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    flyertom  over 6 years ago

    Both of my sons share the same inseam measurement as I, but the seat was always back too far after they used the car. What really ticked me off was the seat back was always tilted back at least two clicks where I’d look THROUGH the steering wheel. How can anyone drive like that?

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    Breadboard  over 6 years ago

    Rarely does somebody leave it where they found it !

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    heathcliff2  over 6 years ago

    Unlike me, my dad had short legs and a long body. That can cause a height difference between two people though the legs are the same.

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    drogers30  over 6 years ago

    My wife’s car has 2 settings one for her and one for me so there is never a problem

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    Dani Rice  over 6 years ago

    My mum used to get annoyed that my dad “didn’t even try to put the rearview mirror back where it was”.

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    mkd_1218  over 6 years ago

    Not “Plastic Man,” just my 6’7" son! ♥

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    contralto2b  over 6 years ago

    In a way, my husband had that problem. I was VERY overweight (now I am just overweight) and had to have the seat all the way back to make room for my prodigious belly. He would have to pull it up so his feet could reach the pedals. Now we don’t need to adjust the seats – but I am hoping to get to the point where HE has to push the seat back. :o)

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    Alberta Oil  over 6 years ago

    I hate it when someone else moves my seat.. can never find the same settings.

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    KEA  over 6 years ago

    Better than having to move it back a foot and a half after nearly disemboweling yourself.

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  11. Shetland sheepdog
    ellisaana Premium Member over 6 years ago

    I don’t gripe about it. If the seat is too far back, it’s easier to get in the car. Rule number two before driving away – always check your mirrors and adjust your seat position. (Rule 1 is fasten your seat belt, but sometimes moving the seat around needs to be done first.)

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  12. Me kindergarten  2
    finnygirl Premium Member over 6 years ago

    My worst experiences when I drove were when I would take the car to be serviced, and the nice young men who tested everything electrical and did all that nice work left everything in a state where I didn’t know how to get it back to normal. It’s not their fault, though, that I was too dumb to learn the specifics about my own car! They were always nice when I would drive it around the block and then back into their parking lot to have them return things to normal. (Probably got a good laugh about it when I was gone, which is okay, too!)

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