Pluggers by Rick McKee for July 02, 2022

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    Lord Flatulence Premium Member over 2 years ago


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    Templo S.U.D.  over 2 years ago

    I keep mine on a set of hooks near the door (the inside side of the door; would be pretty foolish to leave them outside).

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    kingdiamond69  over 2 years ago

    All the time lol .

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    LeftCoastKen Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Well, I haven’t done that yet … maybe there’s still some hope for me!

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    sergioandrade Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I normally find my keys in the door the next morning after coming home for the night.

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    Interventor12  over 2 years ago

    Perhaps, a bit less beer is in order. Practice a protocol religiously. Place keys, and a couple of other small items in a wooden box, with wallet next to that. Never misplace keys or wallet.

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    Gent  over 2 years ago

    Once me has keys in me bear hands but me was looking everywhere for it.

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    jmolay161  over 2 years ago

    The elderly pandemic plugger did not have this problem as he never went outside.

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    in-dubio-pro-rainbow  over 2 years ago

    I would like to tell you ‘bout the key to true happiness – but I don’t know where I put that #%÷$&! thing again!

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    juicebruce  over 2 years ago

    Yes I have done this one !

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    Aubrey Dacus  over 2 years ago

    If you area True Plugger, you haven’t seen your key in years.

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    Barnabus Blackoak  over 2 years ago

    i left my keys like that overnight once

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    ctolson  over 2 years ago

    Better than finding them in a locked vehicle, hanging in the ignition. Then you have to spend hours searching for the spare set to unlock the door.

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    Bruce1253  over 2 years ago

    My dad before he passed told me not to worry about my memory until I walked into the bathroom and said, “Now what did I come in here for?”

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    KEA  over 2 years ago

    I do that a lot when I get home from grocery shopping

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    g04922  over 2 years ago

    Home from the local bar??

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    Calvins Brother  over 2 years ago

    …or your cars ignition.

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    mistercatworks  over 2 years ago

    I often find things in the very first place I look, after going through the whole house and eventually coming back for a better look. :)

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    Teto85 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    They are always in the last place you look.

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    CatStaff Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Rule 1 after coming home – put keys and wallet in their proper locations; avoids a number of problems.

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    MikeJ  over 2 years ago

    Or my cell phone or glasses…

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    finnygirl Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I did that once – but in my early 20s. I was horrified, as I was living alone and always kept the apartment locked up like Fort Knox. There was a little alcohol involved, as I worked in a bar, but I wasn’t at all drunk. I decided it might have been because I worked two jobs, had worked an 8-hour shift and then a 4-hour shift. But it never happened again!

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    mafastore  over 2 years ago

    We keep our keys on the fridge in the kitchen – also wallets, etc for going out.

    When we walk into the house keys are put on their hooks. Wallet, etc are put in the magnetic baskets also on the fridge. Key rings have so many keys that if they were not there there would be big empty space which would stand out and definitely be noticed.

    Every night before going to bed I take inventory in the kitchen – door locked, count off – 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 – all dials on stove turned off, nothing plugged in.

    What I do forget is to change from my near distance glasses to my progressive lenses or my progressive/polychromatic lenses when going out of the house. These days this is not that important as it is rare that I am driving – only time since pandemic started was 4 times we decided the weather was too cold or rainy for us to walk back or to our car mechanic when car left there for work and I had to drive another vehicle for us to come home the 3 blocks from same.

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