Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for February 11, 2009
Poncho: A giant mansion, a hundred acres of land, personal chefs... Orlando, you are the luckiest dog alive! How on Earth did you ever get so rich? Orlando: My master died and left everything to me. Poncho: You... You mean... You don't have a master? Orlando: No.
TiggerLeBounce almost 16 years ago
John_E almost 16 years ago
Poncho’s bro is the poorest dog in town!
McGehee almost 16 years ago
Poncho: “Adopt me, and I’ll be your master.”
carmy almost 16 years ago
My condolences to Orlando. Bless your heart Poncho, you’re a good brother.
Emp454 almost 16 years ago
that was either the cherry on the cake, or poncho is being a good brother
JonD17 almost 16 years ago
Wow, that was unexpected. Maybe Orlando can adopt Ponch, Chaz and the “cat-woman” Not sure about the cats themselves though. Oh yeah and all Ponch’s buddies from the bar.
cleokaya almost 16 years ago
I’m not sure if Poncho is hugging Orlando because not having a master is like Poncho’s idea of a perfect life, or if he is hugging Orlando because deep down he likes having a family.
alondra almost 16 years ago
Oh come on! He lives in that mansion all alone with only servants?
comicsboi Premium Member almost 16 years ago
Could this end like that Simpsons episode, where Homer brings financial ruin to his brother?
circuit7 almost 16 years ago
I think we’ve found financial backing for the catapult-the-cats-into-the-sun project!
leslynmoore almost 16 years ago
TLB: I’m with you - Awww! But we all know Poncho has a soft heart. Maybe this episode is coming to an end after all
Khard12 almost 16 years ago
I’m going to go with sympathy hug for not having a master.
forrest11 almost 16 years ago
comicsboi I think your onto something there.
What_It_Do almost 16 years ago
Sympathetic dogs are funneh.
Joanie almost 16 years ago
Is this what happens in real life? You know, when rich people die and leave all their money to their pets?