@TEMPLO S.U.D.: There actually is something; sold in Florida (and maybe elsewhere, if there is a problem like this); they are called ‘bear-proof cans’ and have locks on them so a bear can’t get into them. The bear population has returned to large numbers in Florida (hunting them near extinction brought limits to hunting season), and too many communities were allowing residential development in areas near forested habitat. So, bears came out of the woods and started foraging in garbage cans, leading to mauling of people who were walking their dogs. Partial solution has been to make the garbage too difficult for the bear to get into, so they’ve stopped hunting in subdivisions…
DennisinSeattle over 6 years ago
Sweet biscuits!
Templo S.U.D. over 6 years ago
they really ought to do something to prevent dogs (and raccoons and other vermin) from rummaging through garbage cans until they’re emptied
Argythree over 6 years ago
@TEMPLO S.U.D.: There actually is something; sold in Florida (and maybe elsewhere, if there is a problem like this); they are called ‘bear-proof cans’ and have locks on them so a bear can’t get into them. The bear population has returned to large numbers in Florida (hunting them near extinction brought limits to hunting season), and too many communities were allowing residential development in areas near forested habitat. So, bears came out of the woods and started foraging in garbage cans, leading to mauling of people who were walking their dogs. Partial solution has been to make the garbage too difficult for the bear to get into, so they’ve stopped hunting in subdivisions…
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 6 years ago
I suppose the old adage ‘If you don’t, somebody else will.’ is applicable. Unusual discipline for Poncho though.
joegee over 6 years ago
Karma’s a “female dog”.
WCraft Premium Member over 6 years ago
You never forget your first love!
6turtle9 over 6 years ago
His Ex is stalking him. I feel your pain Poncho.