People are getting just crazy enough that zebra dog food won’t be a joke for long.
Ten years ago, lamb was already getting “ordinary,” and you could buy kibble and canned food made of salmon, duck, or venison.
There were a few expensive varieties made of wild meats like beaver and kangaroo, for your poor little dog or cat who’s allergic to everything else.
But now there are places to get alligator, otter, coyote, emu and muskrat… dove, even iguana…
like this one:
I didn’t see zebra on the list…. but some shops in England do sell it for human consumption.
Here’s a mail order source…. don’t let Poncho see.
Not sure it can be imported into the US, though….
and no, Poncho… I’m sure Carmen and Chaz aren’t moving to London just for you.
July 26, 2014
People are getting just crazy enough that zebra dog food won’t be a joke for long.
Ten years ago, lamb was already getting “ordinary,” and you could buy kibble and canned food made of salmon, duck, or venison.
There were a few expensive varieties made of wild meats like beaver and kangaroo, for your poor little dog or cat who’s allergic to everything else.
But now there are places to get alligator, otter, coyote, emu and muskrat… dove, even iguana…
like this one:
I didn’t see zebra on the list…. but some shops in England do sell it for human consumption.
Here’s a mail order source…. don’t let Poncho see.
Not sure it can be imported into the US, though….
and no, Poncho… I’m sure Carmen and Chaz aren’t moving to London just for you.