I must say, I’m proud that my kids and many of their friends have followed a similar prescription, except for the car, since we live is a large city with excellent public transit, so owning a car is absolutely a waste of money. They rent a car from time to time for outings outside the city or for visiting relatives who are out of town. Just a reminder for anyone who is not aware of this: a car sits parked for 93% of the time.
Darsan54 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Be smart and pick a good one after looking a good long while. Of course, the education, job, car and place to live will make it a bit easier.
blunebottle over 6 years ago
There are no guarantees.
Fiammata over 6 years ago
Use up the one-time First Home Cred just to resell it that quick??
asrialfeeple over 6 years ago
Good one, Mom. Getting married is one thing. Having a great or even good marriage quite another.
dwane.scoty1 over 6 years ago
Uh-oh! Jeri’s using Teena as stalking horse! What have you been up to, Jeri?
Alberta Oil over 6 years ago
A parents dream.. not often obtained… a parents nightmare.. your daughter gets caught up with a lowlife..
1JennyJenkins over 6 years ago
I must say, I’m proud that my kids and many of their friends have followed a similar prescription, except for the car, since we live is a large city with excellent public transit, so owning a car is absolutely a waste of money. They rent a car from time to time for outings outside the city or for visiting relatives who are out of town. Just a reminder for anyone who is not aware of this: a car sits parked for 93% of the time.
davetb1956 over 6 years ago
If enforceable Jeri will never be getting engaged.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
In the 3 times my mother was married it all ended poorly. After #3 she just quit trying.
William Ellwin Premium Member over 6 years ago
Jeri is doomed then…
rpmurray over 6 years ago
So basically, do as I say and don’t follow my example.