Just because someone has a little extra cash doesn’t mean they absolutely must spend it. At one time people were urged to save their money and invest it, or at least put it into an interest-earning account.
Now the mindset seems to be buy buy buy. Never mind the fact that the money may be needed someday for an emergency. Instant gratification is more important than considering future consequences.
It’s all part of our materialistic, consumerist society. And it’s not just the kids; adults are guilty of this, too. So wasteful.
Just because someone has a little extra cash doesn’t mean they absolutely must spend it. At one time people were urged to save their money and invest it, or at least put it into an interest-earning account.
Now the mindset seems to be buy buy buy. Never mind the fact that the money may be needed someday for an emergency. Instant gratification is more important than considering future consequences.
It’s all part of our materialistic, consumerist society. And it’s not just the kids; adults are guilty of this, too. So wasteful.