Prickly City by Scott Stantis for July 24, 2014

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    JLG Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Yet it’s the Republican Party that has firmly seized the role of naysayer. Literally every ambitious proposal aimed at building toward the future is shot down and dismissed. Everything from high-speed rail to energy reform.

    It would never have been possible to build the Hoover Dam in this political climate.

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  2. Piggy2
    Greyhame  over 10 years ago

    wayyyy back when conservative could be a Democrat.

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    Ray Thomas  over 10 years ago

    It would help if all their projects weren’t stupid liberal crap.

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    streetbeater  over 10 years ago

    When we started the Apollo program, the top tax rate was 91%. When we landed on the moon it was 70%.

    You get what you pay for.

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    Cheapskate0  over 10 years ago

    The comic strip has been pretty good this week, though the comments have been pretty depressing..This strip is at its best when it’s just Carmen and Winslow, and that is what Scott has given us this week. Thank you Scott!.I like how yesterday, Winslow worried about (unspecified) leaders who might take them over the cliff..Today’s strip features them falling through space. Or is it, did they go over the cliff?.I see that no one has commented on the continuity of the strip. Just the usual bickering between Republicans and Democrats..What was so beautiful about (what I perceived as) the premise of Prickly City: No matter how different Carmen and Winslow are, they agree not only to talk to each other, they even decide to be FRIENDS!.I wish I saw that in these comment pages. I don’t..Someone fired back at me last week saying I need to tell that to the folks in Washington. Agreed..But whether we like it or not, the folks in Washington really do reflect us. And as long as liberals and conservatives, Republicans and Democrats, insist in seeing each other, not as the “loyal opposition,” but “enemies of mankind,” well
.It kind of looks like we get what we deserve from Washington

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    JLG Premium Member over 10 years ago

    It’s very unhealthy for the citizens of one country to live in two completely separate realities. But that’s the situation we’ve got. People here are genuinely convinced that the ACA is a “massive failure,” which is pretty remarkable. I wonder how long they’re going to be able to believe that. Well, perhaps forever, if they keep themselves carefully insulated.

    J Gray: Case in point. If you truly, honestly believe that it was the Democrats who engineered the government shutdown, and you sincerely believe that it was over the reasons you stated, then there’s simply nothing that can be said.

    Fbjsr, I already named two such projects, and there are a million of them. Anything that puts large numbers of people to work on public projects that are designed to shape up and renovate our ailing infrastructure, or reform our energy efficiency (which lags embarrassingly behind much of the developed world), or any other proposals that will actually do anything to build toward our future as a country, are blocked on grounds that cannot even be labeled ideological anymore——they have long passed the point of being even THAT rational in their thinking.

    And yes, what you call “Obamacare” was largely a conservative idea. It was not created by Mitt Romney, as you seemed to mistakenly assume above, but by the Heritage Foundation in 1989. In 1993, a version of that plan was put forward as the Republican counterproposal to Bill Clinton’s attempt at healthcare reform. Until 2008, prominent Republicans were on record as supporting it. Including some of the very ones who “mysteriously” changed their minds the following year.

    You can agree or disagree with the individual mandate for a variety of reasons, but that doesn’t change the fact that almost none of the Republican opposition to the ACA has been rooted in actual policy concerns or anything factual about the law. The outrage is the worst kind of phony politics, and has been from day one.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    J Grey issuing projection – a favorite Repugnician trick.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Got J Gray’s name wrong – sorry Mr. Gray. I’m Assuming Gray is a man ‘cause most women aren’t that ignorant.

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