Thanks for lumping us all together in one big, ugly generalization. What a way to treat loyal boomer readers of your strip who don’t fit the gross image. But that’s OK – we know how to handle it. Do it again, and there will be no yelling, no screaming. It’ll just get quiet….as we delete the strip from our daily reads and shrink your readership. Even just a little. That doesn’t feel good at all, does it?
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Tis the way of the Fortune 500 and one percent.
embee06311 almost 10 years ago
Time for a Logan’s Run scenario.
pschearer Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I’m glad I’m not a boomer (a war-baby, actually), but even I think this is unfair to them.
Mugens Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Seems to me this could apply to any and all generations, let alone political leanings…
kaffekup almost 10 years ago
“And I demand that you take contraception out of the ACA!”
bigal666 almost 10 years ago
I’m a Boomer, born in 1946. I worked my entire life and paid for Social Security the whole time. My SS is not an entitlement, I earned it.
Lawrence Stetz Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Why is he wearing a diaper? Is it because he is a “Baby” Boomer?
kaffekup almost 10 years ago
You do understand the quotation marks meant I was putting those words in the mouth of the guy demanding that Viagra be paid for?
Spade Jr. almost 10 years ago
Thanks for lumping us all together in one big, ugly generalization. What a way to treat loyal boomer readers of your strip who don’t fit the gross image. But that’s OK – we know how to handle it. Do it again, and there will be no yelling, no screaming. It’ll just get quiet….as we delete the strip from our daily reads and shrink your readership. Even just a little. That doesn’t feel good at all, does it?