Also unfair: Thousands of Pricklians loosing their jobs, homes, or small businesses through no fault of their own even if they had no accounts with the bank. All because the bankers thumbed their noses at the Mayor when he told them they were making bad choices. “Who are you to tell businesses how to grow the economy”, they said as they invested in swamp stocks and misallocated funds, “Less regulations” they demanded as they endangered everyone with bad financial planning. So, do you reward bad bankers who have access to more money? Or do you punish the Pricklians, but in the future regulate businesses to protect the community?
Also unfair: Thousands of Pricklians loosing their jobs, homes, or small businesses through no fault of their own even if they had no accounts with the bank. All because the bankers thumbed their noses at the Mayor when he told them they were making bad choices. “Who are you to tell businesses how to grow the economy”, they said as they invested in swamp stocks and misallocated funds, “Less regulations” they demanded as they endangered everyone with bad financial planning. So, do you reward bad bankers who have access to more money? Or do you punish the Pricklians, but in the future regulate businesses to protect the community?