Prickly City by Scott Stantis for March 06, 2025

  1. Img 1373
    Quixotic1  about 11 hours ago

    “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ― George Orwell

    The US can no longer afford to tolerate the lies & BS if we want a functional Republic.

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 11 hours ago

    This one is from the ghost cartoonist.

    Honesty is NOT in his DNA.

    Same as any magat.

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  3. Logo
    TwilightFaze  about 9 hours ago

    Let’s be real: Us non-politicians would do the same thing with superpowers: Good intentions with a bit of “fun” on the side. Kinda like Jim Carrey’s The Mask.

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  4. 1djojn
    RobinHood  about 8 hours ago


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  5. 1djojn
    RobinHood  about 8 hours ago

    Happy Day Of The Dude. Go have a White Russian.

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  6. Sunimage
    Sun  about 6 hours ago

    Destructive Democrat elected officials are dishonest and find it fun to destroy America only to hurt American Workers financially, just as much as Destructive Democrat leftist leaning dishonest anarchists and extremists rioted and found it fun to blow up and smash out windows of businesses, cars, homes and hospitals while putting innocent civilian lives at risk in 2020. 
but, It’s okay if a Democrat does it, correct..

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    oldchas  about 6 hours ago

    Russian bot alert! The dim bulb got talkative.

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    dotbup  about 4 hours ago

    “Hoards of social media users have come forward to say they were lied to and voted for Trump, but have since lost their jobs because Musk and DOGE defunded their federal programs.”

    Boo flocking hoo. My heart bleeds for all those poor idjt voters losing their jobs. If only there had been some prior indication that trump couldn’t be trusted. If only someone would have told them every GD day.

    Look, MAGATS. I know you resent being called “stupid.” I understand that. But if you allow yourself to be coerced into believing (AGAIN) that a lifetime charlatan and liar—-a misogynistic, racist, narcissistic, sexual predator obsessed with retribution—-has YOUR interests in mind; and you believe it (mountains of evidence to the contrary notwithstanding) to the point he convinces YOU to vote against those interests; that he’s a viable candidate to lead the nation . . . well, while “stupid” may sound harsh, it’s hard for anyone who isn’t to deny the clearly obvious.

    The resentment is actually the dumbest issue of all. If the normies made you feel belittled, that’s one thing. But to vote for a candidate because someone made you feel small, that’s pretty much the opposite of what voting is supposed to be. Voting isn’t supposed to be personal. It’s like when people say “I voted for the Candidate A because Candidate B never visited my town.” If you need to feel personally attended to by the candidate, you’ve totally misunderstood civic duty.

    If these people had paid a little more attention to what trump believes/does, rather than how he made them feel with wormtongue lies, maybe they wouldn’t be unemployed and/or missing their benefits now. And Democracy wouldn’t be threaten here and around the globe.

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    ctolson  about 3 hours ago

    And to prove the Republicans distain for honesty, they removed very senior member Al Green of the House for speaking honestly. The Right can dish out the ‘free speech’ but can’t take it. They can also violate the dress code and claim free speech.

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    WestNYC Premium Member about 2 hours ago

    Lookin forward to the first spoofing of the MUSKrat.

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  11. 1
    ncorgbl  about 1 hour ago

    Republican congressmen told by the Speaker of the House not to attend Town Hall meetings with their constituents. They are running away from honesty and truth, and have run to tRump/Putin’s lies.

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  12. 20250124 121401
    Font Lady Premium Member about 1 hour ago

    Is gas under $2/gal yet like Trump promised he would do before the election? This question has nothing to do with Biden and only with the actual words that Trump said when Trump made the promise.

    It’s a yes or no question. I have to explain the type of question it is because some people don’t understand the word YET. And the only answer that is required to a yes or no question is “Yes” or “No.”

    Let’s see who actually knows how to read.

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  13. Furious dancing
    drbethdance  about 1 hour ago

    Re: the “transgender mice” issue, the culprit studies AS OFFICIALLY LISTED by the WH on 3/5/25:

    “A Mouse Model to Test the Effects of Gender-affirming Hormone Therapy on HIV Vaccine-induced Immune Responses”

    “Reproductive Consequences of Steroid Hormone Administration” – “These mice manifest defects in ovarian architecture and have altered folliculogenesis.”

    “Gender-Affirming Testosterone Therapy on Breast Cancer Risk and Treatment Outcomes”- “Incidences and tumor specific survival in female mice (intact) and oophorectomized female mice receiving TT"

    “Microbiome mediated effects of gender affirming hormone therapy in mice”

    “Androgen effects on the reproductive neuroendocrine axis”- “Study using TRANSGENIC mice to test whether male-level androgens acting via AR specifically in kisspeptin neurons are necessary and/or sufficient for androgen inhibition of in vivo LH pulse parameters"

    “Gonadal hormones as mediators of sex and gender influences in asthma” – “Contributions of estrogens to HDM-induced asthma outcomes using male and female gonadectomized mice treated with estradiol”

    Aside from one, these are studies on cancer, asthma and immune response – basically, the WH morons filtered out words dealing with gender and made false assumptions about their intent. The WH team has doubled down on this because they will never admit Dear Leader messed up with that idiotic “transgender mice” comment.

    But then again, he and Elon seem to want to kill medical research anyway as a “waste of money,” so, God help us

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  36 minutes ago

    Not a liberal in that running crowd.Look,there’s Josh Hawley!!

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  15. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  22 minutes ago

    Diogenes gave up on finding an honest man and founded cynicism for a good reason.

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