Prickly City by Scott Stantis for March 21, 2025

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    TwilightFaze  1 day ago

    If you’re a pessimist, then yeah: there’s no hope. But the reality is things DO eventually get better. The problem is we live in a society of instant gratification. So if it’s not happening NOW, then things are forever terrible and never will get better. I’m a firm believer of karma: It will come and hit when the time rightfully comes, not when we want it to. I also believe in the virtue of patience: Things that are rushed rarely are ever truly solved and just makes it worse later on. By taking your time and getting it right, things actually improve.

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  2. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member 1 day ago

    I was at the VA hospital today and another older vet walked by wearing his swastica red hat, I wanted to swat it off his head. I wouldn’t wear my “I hate trump” hats in the VA because I don’t think that is the place to wear them!

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    braindead Premium Member 1 day ago

    They need to wash their mouths out with sope.

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    syzygy47  1 day ago

    Reminds me of the book Trump had ghostwritten for his biography, stealing the inspiration for the title from Obama’s. The Audacity of Dopes

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    RobinHood  1 day ago


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    Walter Kocker  1 day ago

    Here endeth the dynamic history of a nation characterized by its diversity, that has witnessed periods of continuity and change, a country refreshed and stimulated by new arrivals’.


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  7. Sunimage
    Sun  1 day ago

    Under a Democrat regime rule it’s, Lost All HOPE Need Pocket CHANGE.

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    Slowly, he turned...  1 day ago

    Dang Me, Dang me, hang me from the highest tree…

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    William Robbins Premium Member 1 day ago

    Sun’s poetry is hampered by lack of English skill…

    Krugman makes an interesting point his morning; US is the 3rd largest economy if EU becomes a united entity, as Trump is forcing them to do. My go-to science news source, youtube Sabine Hossenfelder, has opined that China is already passing US as a scientific research giant, made inevitable by the Trump crowd’s disdain for expertise and proven facts.

    Krugman: “Is the Sleeping Giant Awakening? — I doubt many people in the U.S. realize what a geopolitical earthquake just happened in Germany. They didn’t pass legislation; they changed the constitution … to lift the “debt brake” on a trillion euros of defense and infrastructure spending. Combine that with tough talk from France and strong indications that on security matters, at least, Britain will consider itself part of Europe, and suddenly it seems as if a continent that was always a superpower… may be waking up. … Until now, however, Europe has lived in a state of learned helplessness, relying on America for its security. That’s now over. It’s not just the tariffs and Trump’s obvious support for Putin. I don’t know if Americans realize how big a shock it has been that European citizens are being arrested and detained by ICE. Suddenly it’s clear that America is not an ally, may not even be a democracy, and Europe must look after itself.”

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    Hydrohead  1 day ago

    Was Carmen made in New York City?

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    Darsan54 Premium Member 1 day ago

    Is Scott babysitting and reading a lotta Doctor Suess?

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    ctolson  1 day ago

    Carmen is trying to lighten the mood with the banter but Winslow is tiring quickly. The best way to end it is to say nothing in response.

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    RobinHood  1 day ago

    Happy Big Bang Day

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  14. Lifi
    rossevrymn  1 day ago

    Right-wing populists, man that Mike Luckovich displays quite the apt alliteration…………..“Dictatorial Doofus,” ………….HAH!!

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  15. Lifi
    rossevrymn  1 day ago

    Concerning yesterday’s Molina, I wonder if/when putzin will use that paint gun on the trumpster fire pic.

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  16. Lifi
    rossevrymn  1 day ago

    The title of today’s piece should be, “Cartoonist Seeks to Soothe Himself from His Horrible Lifeview.”

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  1 day ago

    Goofus and Gallant

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  1 day ago

    Sure,let’s abolish the education department—-so we can all grow up to be female wrestling tycoons who can’t spell “Cat”

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    Cheapskate0  1 day ago

    In the meantime, I live in dread of 01-Apr-2025 – because I fear that the “new” Go Comics is going to mess things up here as bad as Arcamax and Comics Kingdom.

    Thanks, ross, for telling us about Mike Peterson, which has led me to other sources for news commentary, such as Kevin Necessary and Mike Smith (whom I was following at Comics Kingdom until they kicked me out of there).

    For what it’s worth, I never made a comment there; I guess you have to be subscriber in order to comment – then, one day, you had to be a subscriber to see more than one comic a month there – then it seemed the months never ended – so now I’m gone.

    So, just in case this playground gets boarded up, just like the others, I thought I’d say a preliminary farewell to folks I’ve chatted with here.

    Like Darsan54, pcshearer, dotbup, Walter K, and many others. God bless you all!

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  20. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member 1 day ago

    Prickly City, where the malcontents have gone since the comments on Political strips are blocked. And if you’ll notice none are paying subscribers.

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  21. Furious dancing
    drbethdance  about 23 hours ago

    “Senate Republicans want Elon Musk to stop talking about Social Security, and the Department of Government Efficiency to leave it alone.

    Musk’s statement that Social Security is a “Ponzi scheme,” and his plans to cut up to 12 percent of the Social Security Administration’s workforce, are giving GOP lawmakers heartburn.

    They warn that Social Security reform is known as the “third rail” of politics for a reason: Any party that touches it is likely to get zapped come Election Day.

    And Republicans fear that reductions in staff and field offices will boomerang on them, predicting constituents will grow frustrated if it becomes more difficult and time-consuming to address problems related to benefit claims.

    “It doesn’t help the president when you have somebody who clearly is not worried about whether or not Social Security benefits are going to be there for him” leading the effort to shrink the Social Security Administration, said Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), referring to Musk, the world’s richest person." [The Hill, 3/20/25]

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    Font Lady Premium Member about 22 hours ago

    Is gas under $2/gal yet like Trump promised he would do before the election? This question has nothing to do with Biden and only with the actual words that Trump said when Trump made the promise.

    It’s a yes or no question. I have to explain the type of question it is because some people don’t understand the word YET. And the only answer that is required to a yes or no question is “Yes” or “No.” And if you say “Yes” then say where, city and state in the U.S., it’s under $2/gal or else your answer is a resounding “No.”

    Let’s see who actually knows how to read.

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    Sanspareil  about 18 hours ago

    In the end though, where there’s Hope there’s Crosby.

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