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James38 Free

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  1. about 10 years ago on The Martian Confederacy

    With tits that nice she can do anything.

    In the meantime, let out some line and just put that hook on the grab handle. (All spaceships have them. Ask anybody who has been on a repair spacewalk.)

    (What was the name of the computer in 2001? Hal, ask Hal.)

    But “Varoom”? Sounds to drag-strippy. How about Fsssssshhhhhh!!!!

  2. about 10 years ago on Cul de Sac

    My girlfriend brought a package of sandpaper home that I had asked for. I idly picked it up and noticed it had several grades of sandpaper in it, so I began reading the grades. \

    Extra Fine, Fine, Medium, Extra Medium, Coarse, Extra Coarse.

    I was just saying Extra Coarse when she said “Wait a minute, give me that”. What do you mean “Extra Medium”???

  3. about 10 years ago on Doonesbury

    “Sailing vacation in Greece?” LOL, the doc doesn’t know Duke.

    Good one, Duke!

  4. about 10 years ago on The Martian Confederacy

    @Ron and Fairport – entire torso with another set of breasts, but who knows what else. Endless speculation but no answers.

    Should be an interesting honeymoon. By all means go back to the beginning of the strip and get caught up. Worth the bother.

  5. about 10 years ago on [Deleted]

    Go back to the actual records of the vote, and you will discover the glaring fact that if Ralph Nader had sensibly asked his supporters to back Gore, Gore would have won easily, with no confusion about the hanging chads or anything else.

    We must all remember to thank Ralph Nader for the election of Shrub. His doctrinaire entrenched ossified grotesque egotism gave the world the worst President in US history, the instigator of the totally useless attack on Iraq.

    Thanks Ralph. The Iraqi people thank you too.

  6. about 10 years ago on The Martian Confederacy

    That was some other goon. We probably won’t run across him again, but who knows?

  7. about 10 years ago on Jane's World

    Careful, she tossed your sugar pops

  8. about 10 years ago on The Martian Confederacy

    The other knife contained a dormant space-time inverter generator that was accidentally triggered by the twisting impact. The alternate universe that was temporarily brought into congruent focus was so tempting looking that the kids all trooped through to take a better look,.. However, since none of them were wearing the proper brane balancing gear, the resulting sudden dispersal of the inverter field blew out the wall of the trailer, and left the kids on the other side, wondering where the trailer went.

  9. about 10 years ago on The Martian Confederacy

    We go from high drama to this? Come on, guys, get the old imagination in gear.

  10. about 10 years ago on Cul de Sac

    Sneak up on her backpack and hang it on anonymously.

    Then try to keep a straight face when she asks you if you did it.