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- almost 9 years ago on Pearls Before Swine
over 9 years ago
on Matt Wuerker
Did you mean to say “oral sex in the oval office?”
over 9 years ago
on Matt Wuerker
It is impossible to simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.
over 9 years ago
on Matt Wuerker
I don’t think that it’s right for Republicans to berate Pope Francis over speaking about climate change, when unlike them, Pope Francis actually has a degree in physics.
over 9 years ago
on [Deleted]
Actually, the situation in Greece can be described as “Socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor,” à la reverse Robin Hood. There are four possible outcomes to the situation:1. Greece does austerity, pays off the debt, but remains in poverty.2. Greece does austerity, pays off the debt, and becomes rich like Brazil or India, but their economy turns into a free-for-all resulting in income inequality to rival that of even Mexico.3. Greece tries a “New Deal” stimulus programme like Iceland or the United States and rebuilds and restructures their economy to be fair for all, but does not pay off their debt until many years later.4. Greece defaults and stays where they are.The troika says Greece needs to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, but keep in mind that countries like Germany and Norway were built on a system of comprehensive benefits and public infrastructure that is vital to their very existence as functioning states. These are the “socialistic [sic] ideas” that; according to you, got Greece into this mess. Would you tell a bankrupt Irish pub to stop serving Guinness to get out of debt; but would compromise its existence as an Irish pub?Also, do you really want Greece to end up like India or Mexico; who are debt free but are polluted and have no public infrastructure?
over 9 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
I think he was just using GE labeling referendum as an example. California has a long history of people voting against their own interests. How else would Proposition 8 gotten on the ballot?
almost 10 years ago
on Matt Wuerker
…like New York City, San Francisco, Boston, or Seattle. Also, there is a flaw in your logic. “Y happens after X, therefore X causes Y” is not sufficient evidence to say that liberal mayors are incompetent. Please look beyond your partisanship before making any conclusions.
almost 10 years ago
on Tom Toles
Install low flow shower heads if you like, but it won’t make much of a difference because the biggest users of water in California are big corporations trying to grow inedible plants (AKA cotton and alfalfa) in the desert. They not only get water piped out to them and cheap land, they also get agricultural subsidies. We’re literally paying them to waste our water all while telling urbanites who barely use any water compared to them to limit their shower time.
over 10 years ago
on Lalo Alcaraz
Let’s not forget that a lot of Republicans are also vaccine deniers. The US has some of the highest rates of vaccine denialism in the industrialized world.
over 10 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
Today is Sunday.
You have the right to free speech, but not to an audience. Some people just don’t deserve the time of day. Ever heard of “no-platforming?”