Bummer for Maria. I was homeschooled up to college, and although I loved it and it worked great, I won’t pretend there weren’t times when I think my Teacher wanted to call it :) I can only imagine what Maria’s homeschooling would be like…
I loved reading but always hated book reports because I felt like I had to take someone else’s work and try to analyze a bunch of minor details. Deconstructing the story that way seemed to take away some of the magic. Book reports aren’t all bad now, of course, but back then…yeesh.
Bob actually has a point. The leaves decompose and form nutrients which eventually go back into the trees. Whatever, though. I’m with Maria on this one- it’s just cool.
I actually look forward to the Halloween gear coming out just because I know the Christmas stuff is never far behind. Commercialism? Maybe, but that doesn’t stop me from loving the whole season, tacky plastic and all.
Only glitch is that the greyhound wouldn’t know the thing was red.