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Panel 8… Der Kommisar.
That’s what I wondered.
You’re making me feel real old here…
Called it!
I figure one of two things will happen, depending on which way Dan Thompson wants to go…
1) Rip rescues Luke and lets Breezy go because he loves her.2) Luke turns out to be a coward or one of the pirates.
Hoping for #2 myself.
You mean the Miseducation of the new Cobra? ;-)
I have to agree with the sentiments of “If Breezy’s gone, I’m gone.”
Man, I hope they don’t break up Rip and Breezy
Well, I’m new to the comic, but I’d hope this doesn’t mean the end of Breezy. I like her better than Cobra.
Wonder if that’s the outline of a bed board and he’s still dreaming or if I’m just assuming too much?
Panel 8… Der Kommisar.