I have a writing and grammar blog that has a lot of comics in it. It's
I don’t know! The word might not have a separate plural, like “species.”
—and on how big the yard is…
I remember that joke and punchline frm back in the 1950’s.
In case you didn’t know, the original saying was “Happy as a clam at high tide.”
When we were kids, we called honey “concenrated bee vomit.”
My dad used to answer that one with “twice the distance from the center to the ends.”
Yup, I’m one of those guilty curmudgeons :-)
The curmudgeon speaks: AAK! It’s “composed of” or “comprises,” but never “comprised of”!!!
I do that joke with “watch.”
The grammar curmudgeon says: AAK! It’s “nauseated,” not “nauseous.” “Nauseous” means “causing nausea.”
I don’t know! The word might not have a separate plural, like “species.”