Rabbits Against Magic by Jonathan Lemon for September 25, 2024

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 6 months ago

    Trump has no concept of any plan. It is just more making sh!t up and LYING about it. Even The Disciples know that.

    He has NEVER had one. No magat can name a single concept of any Trump plan for health care, child care, infrastructure, or even immigration.

    He will never close the border. Abbott already tried. And failed. Miserably.

    He has NO economic plan, except more tax cuts for the rich.


    And the Tariff Fairy that’s going to eliminate all taxes? Only the most ardent Disciples are stupid enough to believe that.

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    mddshubby2005  6 months ago

    That’s like being undecided about liking bears while a bear is eating you.

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    ekw555  6 months ago

    are “undecided” voter really “undecided” ?

    or do they just use that term to describe the people who registered to vote, but did not register as Republican or Democrat ?

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    bxclent  Premium Member 6 months ago


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    ncorgbl  6 months ago

    Harris’ economic plan is to continue the growth, jobs, new businesses and low unemployment while keeping inflation at the lowest levels as Biden has. tRump’s plan is to crash our economy into recession again, as he did in his first term.

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    Thomas R. Williams  6 months ago

    Rump apparently thinks China et al. are going to pay for all those imposed tariffs the way Mexico magically paid for his wall when We the People have/would pay for both.

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    Rick Smith Premium Member 6 months ago

    Or he has a plan of having a concept.

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    sperry532  6 months ago

    He may have a concept, but he has no clue.

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    mistercatworks  6 months ago

    My mom, on those rare occasions when we talked politics, said, “But Trump has some good ideas.”

    “Everybody has some good ideas, Mom. He also has some really, really, really horrible ideas about immigrants, some of whom are your friends.”

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    kennecwk  6 months ago

    I’m with the one-eyed white rabbit on this one. The rationale of the ‘undecided’ is just mind boggling. In terms of Trump; where have they been in the last 8 years? Unlike MAGAs, who are completely absent of critical thinking skills, the Undecided may have critical thinking skills that are possibly hyperactive and are suffering ‘paralysis by analysis’. I would suggest to them to read an honest history of what happened with Trump after the 2020 election and a summary of ‘Mandate for Leadership’ [Project 2025]. If they can’t decide who to vote FOR, perhaps this could help them decide who to vote AGAINST.

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