Man: You can protest all you want. But only until bedtime. And not in front of the television. And no, I am not stepping down.
Dad, notice the folded arms. He’s not going to be an easy sell.
Don’t expect the U.S. government to get involved. He may be a source of gas, but not oil.
Tough, Supersurfer. He is the King of his particular hill
nothing a couple of good swats on the butt could’nt take care of
Besides, for real revolution, you need critical mass, not critical child.
Charles Evans Premium Member about 14 years ago
Dad, notice the folded arms. He’s not going to be an easy sell.
Coyoty Premium Member about 14 years ago
Don’t expect the U.S. government to get involved. He may be a source of gas, but not oil.
GROG Premium Member about 14 years ago
Tough, Supersurfer. He is the King of his particular hill
Devils Knight about 14 years ago
nothing a couple of good swats on the butt could’nt take care of
cdward about 14 years ago
Besides, for real revolution, you need critical mass, not critical child.