An April Fool's joke one should never play on his dog. Red: "Congratulations, Rover. You have won a million milky bones a day for life!!"
Oh, don’t tease Rover!
When will Red ever learn? As soon as he says “April Fool’s!” YIKES!
Rover, you can store those million Milky Bones in Red’s room!
Not funny, Red.
I get this kind of mail a lot from the Publishers Clearing House. I’ve almost been a winner for 40 years now.
but not the same apple pie?
Rover, you should wait until Ed McMahon is at your door with an oversized bag of Milky Bones before you believe it.
Rover… BITE HIM!
My dachshund loves them like Rover obviously does.
So not right to play April’s Fools Day trick on a trusting adorable Rover. So give him all the bones he wants.
Hee hee hee.
We know Rover would never bite Red, but he might growl threateningly.
November 20, 2013
comicgos almost 12 years ago
Oh, don’t tease Rover!
KLSeering almost 12 years ago
When will Red ever learn? As soon as he says “April Fool’s!” YIKES!
Catfeet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Rover, you can store those million Milky Bones in Red’s room!
GROG Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Not funny, Red.
rpmurray almost 12 years ago
I get this kind of mail a lot from the Publishers Clearing House. I’ve almost been a winner for 40 years now.
puddlesplatt almost 12 years ago
but not the same apple pie?
lightenup Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Rover, you should wait until Ed McMahon is at your door with an oversized bag of Milky Bones before you believe it.
Strod almost 12 years ago
Rover… BITE HIM!
TexMichael almost 12 years ago
My dachshund loves them like Rover obviously does.
lily245pj almost 12 years ago
So not right to play April’s Fools Day trick on a trusting adorable Rover. So give him all the bones he wants.
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Hee hee hee.
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
We know Rover would never bite Red, but he might growl threateningly.