Television: Silly wabbit! Meep Meep! Sufferin' Succotash. Rover: Ready to be productive?! Red: Not yet. I need another cup of 'toons first.
Time to ’toon up with Bugs!
Miss those toons. They taught me to love classical music and the stuff from the 30’s, 40’s.
Shouldn’t that be, “thufferin’ thuccotash”?
Best part of Saturday mornings back in the day.And, they were all done by noon – The time to go outside and get on with my “business”.
Ralph Kramden
Closer to an sch sound.
Don’t forget…" I tot I taw a puddy tat! "
I have a set of Warner Brothers’ Looney Toons on DVD and they are a wonderful diversion from the daily grind…
November 20, 2013
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 8 years ago
Catfeet Premium Member over 8 years ago
Time to ’toon up with Bugs!
kid1at3heart over 8 years ago
Miss those toons. They taught me to love classical music and the stuff from the 30’s, 40’s.
TossedSaladCartoon over 8 years ago
albzort over 8 years ago
Shouldn’t that be, “thufferin’ thuccotash”?
assrdood over 8 years ago
Best part of Saturday mornings back in the day.And, they were all done by noon – The time to go outside and get on with my “business”.
hippogriff over 8 years ago
Ralph Kramden
Closer to an sch sound.
anorok2 over 8 years ago
Don’t forget…" I tot I taw a puddy tat! "
neverenoughgold over 8 years ago
I have a set of Warner Brothers’ Looney Toons on DVD and they are a wonderful diversion from the daily grind…