What I need is one of those old-fashioned reel type mowers like Red is using. My power lawn mower is on the fritz again (cable cord broke – the one that connects to the lever you have to hold in to keep the mower running. Also, the primer button is broken – once pushed in, it won’t come back out again. It’s pushed in now and it is stuck there). My yard is small enough that the old fashioned push (non-power) mower is just what I need.
What I need is one of those old-fashioned reel type mowers like Red is using. My power lawn mower is on the fritz again (cable cord broke – the one that connects to the lever you have to hold in to keep the mower running. Also, the primer button is broken – once pushed in, it won’t come back out again. It’s pushed in now and it is stuck there). My yard is small enough that the old fashioned push (non-power) mower is just what I need.