My daughter’s cat HATES vets and vet techs. She is a small (6 1/2 lbs), 16 year old cat. The only time she hisses, growls, scratches (on purpose) and bites anyone is at the vet’s. Then she turns into a Tasmanian Devil. We have to sedate her (but not knock her out completely) to get even the most routine work done. Other than that, she is a small, quiet, cuddly cat.
Our Lab, Alex never waited, our vet came out and said “Alex, my buddy” and he ran over to the vet and gave him a hug and kisses, then sat down for his biscuit.
B UTTONS about 5 years ago
Oh, that’s water under the bridge. They had a cute bunny next to me.
What I missed from the dog side was the squirrel that snuck in on that side.
Catfeet Premium Member about 5 years ago
There’s never a dull moment on the cat side!
jpayne4040 about 5 years ago
He’s not blaming you, Red. Sounds like he’s blaming the waiting area itself.
Zebrastripes about 5 years ago
You survived Rover!
asrialfeeple about 5 years ago
Sometimes have have to make do, Rover.
TracyFan 65 about 5 years ago
Oh, Lord. The CAT side!
flemmingo about 5 years ago
Cats and dogs at the same time? That must be fun to watch?
rentier about 5 years ago
Did cats scratch Rovers face?
Pathfinderman about 5 years ago
Rover would prefer to stand on the dog side than sit on the cat side. I would, too!
sarahbowl1 Premium Member about 5 years ago
Take plenty of milky bones, Red, and he should be happy!
contralto2b about 5 years ago
My daughter’s cat HATES vets and vet techs. She is a small (6 1/2 lbs), 16 year old cat. The only time she hisses, growls, scratches (on purpose) and bites anyone is at the vet’s. Then she turns into a Tasmanian Devil. We have to sedate her (but not knock her out completely) to get even the most routine work done. Other than that, she is a small, quiet, cuddly cat.
WCraft Premium Member about 5 years ago
My last dog, an overly-friendly Lab, was known by the vet staff as: Buddy – the only dog who wags his tail the whole time while at the Vet’s office!
j.l.farmer about 5 years ago
i would think it would be when the vet took his temperature!
about 5 years ago
Rover deserves his own seat.
amxchester about 5 years ago
My vet didn’t have a cat or a dog side…..cats were in carriers though.
Stephen Gilberg about 5 years ago
No bubbles leading up to Rover’s last thought. It looks like narration.
whenlifewassimpler about 5 years ago
Our Lab, Alex never waited, our vet came out and said “Alex, my buddy” and he ran over to the vet and gave him a hug and kisses, then sat down for his biscuit.