Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for March 25, 2024
advertisement writers! need a scene to jump start your novel/short story/screenplay? we've got 'em! hundreds of small, bleak, semi-poignant scenes that limn the dark reality of fin de siecle america. all are guaranteed to be drawn from life & packed with universal truths concerning the human condition! just look- 1 house for sale a real estate agent, over-accessorized & for-lorn, stands in the traffic island of a lonely intersection on a gloomy sunday afternoon. bam bam bam house for sale with a pin she pops the balloons that deco-rate a house for sale sign, each pop loud in the chill air. her face is a mask of despair. 2 shoe: gwink an elderly man steps carefully off a metro escalator. one of his rubber overshoes catches in the metal combplate and is peeled neatly from his shoe. he watches the escalator chew his overshoe to shreds. he is filled with loss & regret. 3 a woman with a small child eats a hurried meal of fast food. lost in her thoughts she bites her tongue, hard. two minutes later she bites it again, right in the same spot. she blurts out a curse word - a big one. shame lies heavy on her heart. visit our website, and say goodbye to writer's block!
Cpeckbourlioux 12 months ago
Bubbah learns a new word.
Droptma Styx 12 months ago
There are all actually pretty good. I’d better get to work.
stamps 12 months ago
Aaggh, my angst level just went through the roof.
PoodleGroomer 12 months ago
Does anybody want to buy new unused baby shoes?
SpammersAreScum 12 months ago
I remember checking when this first came out, but then, as now, the website does not exist. Sorry, aspiring writers.