Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for February 14, 2025
richard's poor almanac --- by richard thompson modern gas pump etiquette the first rule of etiquette at the gas pump is; drivers of humvees & other behemoth class ve-hicles must yield to cars with higher occupant-to-vehivle-mass ratio before they may fill their tanks. driver: not another clown car! clown: ha ha! second; if you see an attendant about to raise the price, you may not "accidentally" back over him. driver: oops! hold still you attendant: it's not my fault! 9 third, comport yourself with at least a shred of dignity. this means no shrieking, no sobbing & no dabbing up gas stains off the pavement with a tissue. car: gurgle woman: alas. woe, oh, woe man: look! gas! ha ha ha ha ha! mine mine mine fourth: once they make it to the pump, drivers of humvees or other bcvs have to buy everybody else a round of gas. driver 2: gee, thanks pal! driver 3: i'll have twelve gallons. driver 4: make mine super.
gigagrouch 1 day ago
Those days may well be coming, no matter how much Baby drills
PoodleGroomer about 23 hours ago
Electric Hummers.
ars731 about 16 hours ago
The dont run people over rule applies to grocery store clerks as well