Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for March 07, 2025
richard's poor almanac - by richard thompson the coming year in comic strips cathy will be jilted at the altar & turn into miss havisham, the demented jilted bride from "great expectations." the strip immediately improves. howard huger will soar in popularity thanks to martin scorsese's "the aviator," a film about the real, histor-ical howard huge.r have you seen me? "puddikins" mutts will slowly cease to exist as a comic strip & become merely a string of "lost cat" notices. oop: hi, mark! mark: not so loud. mark trail will clean out 58-year-old wads of earwax. this'll restore his hearing, making all those exclamation marks unnecessary. non sequitur will give up on text entirely & feature only drawings of people with bubbles rising from their heads to indicate ironic dismay. lady: hello, dear. opus: nice hat. opus will continue to resurrect beloved old 1980's characters. unfortunately, many of them will be from doonesbury.
I wonder if comic beefs are anything like rap beefs. Will Richard Thompson next accuse Gary Trudeau of having too many wild parties?