Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for January 27, 2012
Goons: Sorry, ponytail, I got orders to leave you out here too. Dutch: A girl your age should know how to disarm a gunman from that distance. Fawn: I must have missed that day at girl scout camp, grandpa! How-did- you had no pulse! You were dead!!! Dutch: Nonsense, honey. One time when I was in Japan I hooked up with this ninja dame - she was real cute - taught me how to slow down my heartbeat. Fawn: Can you slow mine down now!?
Veridian about 13 years ago
Ninja Babe Had to show Dutch-san how to slow down Heart beat. Ensured Pleasurable Evening with Yankee Imperialist Gaijin reached Most Satisfactory Conclusion ;-) Have Fun Y’all!
Veridian about 13 years ago
BTW…pay close attention to Panel 1. Ninja Babe obviously taught Dutch a thing or 5 about Stealth too! (reinforcing my Belief that Michael Ironside would be perfect as the Voice of Dutch) Uber-HUGPOUNCESZZZ for the First Hooligan who gets the Reference (Dogmore: You Aint Eligible!).
Michael Thorton about 13 years ago
FEI (For Everyone’s Information), Dutch used YOGA to slow down his heartbeat. Contrary to popular belief, ninjas never slowed down their pulses. That was something more akin to Indian sages. Ninjas controlled their breathing rates to minimize sound. There would be no point in slowing down their pulses because they were usually hung, drawn and quartered even if they were dead.
And I’m not making this up. The Japanese poet Matsuo Basho was in fact a great ninja himself, and his observations of the ninja culture are well recorded in his writings.
mntim about 13 years ago
Do modern ninjas know yoga? Yes, I think they do.
Uncle_Bad about 13 years ago
@VeridianWas that a stealthy Splinter Cell reference? I think so.And don’t send my Über-HUGPOUNCESZZZ postage due this time, okay?
DorianKTB about 13 years ago
Heck, you guys, I first heard of the ol’ slowed-down heartbeat gag from the coolest spy next to James Bond, James Coburn in the title role of OUR MAN FLINT! Dutch is the coolest grandpa ever! :-) Have a happy weekend, all you Haywire Hooligans! Come over for some gluten-free lasagna sometime! :-)
Linda Solomon about 13 years ago
Fly On The Wall about 13 years ago
Adam First….sorry chum, ya don’t know what you are talking about. I am a Ninja Warrior…and we use this method to trick Kung-Fu Warriors when we are out numbered. See Kung-Fu Warrioirs are to dumb to know our trick, and after they walk by us, we jump up behind them and kick some butt
Uncle_Bad about 13 years ago
@VeridianNried teutering; noo tervous no tot nerminate toncompulsory nreatment. Nreasured tads.
Uncle_Bad about 13 years ago
@Night-Gaunt49Sadly when you mentioned yogis doing it better, I immediately thought of a large bear in a hat and neck tie saying "You must align your Cha-ka-ras, Boo-boo.”