“I’m just happy that you can see more than the back of my head!”
If the Haywires are currently back in Starlight, then that means ..
.. Sopapilla and Dicey are in the same town!
dun-DUN-dun-n-n ..
Love is in the air…..
Sounds like another case of Dan making everyone split up again like he did last year…
I just wish Dan would put RJ and Rip in different colored shirts. I’m not as observant as others and have a hard time telling them apart.
I don’t think that citronella is going to bother those everglades mosquitoes much. You might want some gator repellent though.
She’s back to looking twelve years old again.
Sopapilla is back! Yay!
Nice to see that Sopapilla is alright and willing to help out.
And thanks to Sopapilla, we can now tell RJ apart from Rip.
Dan Thompson
May 03, 2014
October 25, 2017
Brian Premium Member almost 5 years ago
“I’m just happy that you can see more than the back of my head!”
droosan Premium Member almost 5 years ago
If the Haywires are currently back in Starlight, then that means ..
.. Sopapilla and Dicey are in the same town!
dun-DUN-dun-n-n ..
jmworacle almost 5 years ago
Love is in the air…..
Major Matt Mason Premium Member almost 5 years ago
ArmOfTheSportsPress almost 5 years ago
Sounds like another case of Dan making everyone split up again like he did last year…
cdward almost 5 years ago
I just wish Dan would put RJ and Rip in different colored shirts. I’m not as observant as others and have a hard time telling them apart.
Chithing almost 5 years ago
I don’t think that citronella is going to bother those everglades mosquitoes much. You might want some gator repellent though.
well-i-never almost 5 years ago
She’s back to looking twelve years old again.
Thorby almost 5 years ago
Sopapilla is back! Yay!
tad1 almost 5 years ago
tad1 almost 5 years ago
Nice to see that Sopapilla is alright and willing to help out.
Dragoncat over 4 years ago
And thanks to Sopapilla, we can now tell RJ apart from Rip.