Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for December 05, 2011
A shear accident! 86-year-old Leroy Luetscher of Green Valley, Ariz., USA, fell face first onto a pair of pruning shears in his yard on July 30, 2011. Although the shears went right through his eye socket, he recovered with his vision intact! Scientists have discovered a pulsar orbited by a planet that is believed to have an interior made of diamond! Naked mole rats are only a few inches long, but a colony of several dozen of them can create an underground burrow that spans up to 20 football fields in area!
StelBel about 13 years ago
Naked mole rats certainly are fascinating creatures, but I hope I never meet up with one.
An eyelash in my eye is about all that I can handle. Mr. Luetscher’s accident is too horrible to contemplate, especially first thing in the morning. But, how lucky was he to have escaped permanent injury to his eye…?
roscoedog55 about 13 years ago
I have neighbors who have moles, it’s all I can do to keep them from burrowing over. Moles are a problem too.
jpsomebody about 13 years ago
I have moles also, but Dr. told me not to worry.
Puddleglum2 about 13 years ago
@ananomoose,Did your Dr. do any molecular research?
Puddleglum2 about 13 years ago
If those naked moles come into my yard, they’ll get a good dressing down!
Puddleglum2 about 13 years ago
Socket to me!I don’t think it was ‘shear’ luck that ‘he recovered with his vision intact’.
Puddleglum2 about 13 years ago
Does anyone want to be ‘engaged’ in mining that diamond planet?
Stephen Gilberg about 13 years ago
This may be the most gruesomely violent image I’ve seen on the comics page. And I’ve read “Dick Tracy.”
pnorman1 about 13 years ago
Okay don’t all jump on me at once but the guy was 86 years old so his “vision intact” still meant he was probably half blind to begin with.
Am I right people!
And another thing, what was a half blind octgenearian doing running around with pointy sheary thingies in his hands? Doesn’t he know he could put his eye out?
strodgers about 13 years ago
@Oak Ridge Boy61, No you are not. My father is 81 with near perfect eyes, the only thing he needs is a pair of reading glasses.
iced tea about 13 years ago
God has plans for Mr.Luetscher. It could have been a lot worse.