x_Tech…. one of those things you have to believe but wish you did NOT.
Z51… “simple” maybe…. but I’m hoping you’re just a little off.
It doesn’t say in the strip that the residents ate a ton of manure “apiece.”
As you note. that would be pretty impossible!
I looked up the population history of Indianapolis…. two sites gave a figure of close to 170,000 people in 1900.
2000 pounds is therefore a bit less than .02 pounds each…..
ie, less than a fifth of an ounce per person.
That amount in 365 days would be barely perceptible even to analysis.
To me, this is just hyperbole…. making a mountain out of a molehill….
I’d bet we all eat an ounce of manure every six years even now.
In fact, I just Googled it….. and read that we each, on average, consume about six pounds of dirt a year….
so if .18 oz of it is manure, it would hardly be noticed.
x_Tech…. one of those things you have to believe but wish you did NOT.
Z51… “simple” maybe…. but I’m hoping you’re just a little off.
It doesn’t say in the strip that the residents ate a ton of manure “apiece.”
As you note. that would be pretty impossible!
I looked up the population history of Indianapolis…. two sites gave a figure of close to 170,000 people in 1900.
2000 pounds is therefore a bit less than .02 pounds each…..
ie, less than a fifth of an ounce per person.
That amount in 365 days would be barely perceptible even to analysis.
To me, this is just hyperbole…. making a mountain out of a molehill….
I’d bet we all eat an ounce of manure every six years even now.
In fact, I just Googled it….. and read that we each, on average, consume about six pounds of dirt a year….
so if .18 oz of it is manure, it would hardly be noticed.