Platypus The ultimate super animal!
Hair like a mammal, bead of a duck, sharp claws,webbed feet, E.S.P., lays eggs like a bird, zen-like concentration, shoots lasers from eyes, tail of a beaver, cute as a button.
I am OK with the lasers, zen-like concentration, and ESP. These are all verified, but I have to question the ‘cute as a button’ statement. I mean, why are things cute as buttons? Buttons really aren’t that cute. I argue that Platypus’ are way cuter than buttons.
Randy B Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Some of these things are true.
Linux0s almost 10 years ago
It’s still hard to take the platypus seriously.
hawgowar almost 10 years ago
Also injects venom like a rattlesnake from heel spurs.
pcolli almost 10 years ago
The tail of a platypus is not like the tail of a beaver. The lasers help it to navigate under water.
KayKayJam almost 10 years ago
Shoots lasers? Must be Perry the Platypus
mightyfrog almost 10 years ago
I am OK with the lasers, zen-like concentration, and ESP. These are all verified, but I have to question the ‘cute as a button’ statement. I mean, why are things cute as buttons? Buttons really aren’t that cute. I argue that Platypus’ are way cuter than buttons.