expect playmates soon
Presumably it’s a night care center if Gary’s out and about.
Looks like there may be more zombie babies in the offing. Sorry, daycare parents!
Ruh roh. Toddler zombie apocalypse.
Your best joke in a long while.Congratulations.(Actually made want to see the movie.)
October 24, 2014
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
expect playmates soon
cdward over 9 years ago
Presumably it’s a night care center if Gary’s out and about.
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Looks like there may be more zombie babies in the offing. Sorry, daycare parents!
jnnydnti over 9 years ago
Ruh roh. Toddler zombie apocalypse.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
Your best joke in a long while.Congratulations.(Actually made want to see the movie.)