Scary Gary by Mark Buford for August 05, 2016

  1. Img 20241102 155448733
    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 8 years ago

    must’ve been visiting JUMP START yesterday.

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    jrh1219  over 8 years ago

    Desert ???????

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  3. King crimson   1969   in the court of the crimson king   front
    aerilim  over 8 years ago

    They’ll fry in top of a desert…

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  4. Mouse face
    Loijen  over 8 years ago

    They go pretty good with Doritos too as my family found out while swimming at a pool at sundown while munching a bowl!

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 8 years ago

    Leopold is a mutant.He’s allowed to drop an “s” every now and then.(partly because he eats those who correct him)

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  6. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 8 years ago

    Mark just recent had yet another birthday. He’s getting oldish. Give him a break. Maybe the letter S is getting to be too expensive….Besides, Leopold is absolutely right! Chocolate-covered ants sprinkled over, say, chocolate ice cream? What’s not to like?!

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    K M  over 8 years ago

    Reminds me a little of the comic who said he had recently emigrated to the US from India, which made it sound a little strange to me that it was his new friends in LA who took him to the place where you get all the chocolate-covered insects: “You know: Chocolate-covered ants, chocolate-covered grasshoppers, chocolate-covered cockroaches… So I tried one. Tasted like a regular cockroach.”

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