I’m of course talking about a raise in REAL terms not the lying though their teeth that the present administrations (everybody since and including Clinton) do to make people THINK they are better off now when in reality they are worse off than any time since Cosmo’s De Soto was built!
And before anybody gripes about EITHER one party or the other, they are BOTH responsible for it.
It’s an accumulative total of:Johnson’s Vietnam war inflation,Carter’s runaway “stagflation”,The financial deregulation disaster of the Clinton administration’s repeal of the Glass-Steagall act,Shrub’s disastrous THREE TRILLION DOLLAR war in Iraq,And Obama’s continuation of that forever wars against everybody that Israel doesn’t like policy.
I’m of course talking about a raise in REAL terms not the lying though their teeth that the present administrations (everybody since and including Clinton) do to make people THINK they are better off now when in reality they are worse off than any time since Cosmo’s De Soto was built!
And before anybody gripes about EITHER one party or the other, they are BOTH responsible for it.
It’s an accumulative total of:Johnson’s Vietnam war inflation,Carter’s runaway “stagflation”,The financial deregulation disaster of the Clinton administration’s repeal of the Glass-Steagall act,Shrub’s disastrous THREE TRILLION DOLLAR war in Iraq,And Obama’s continuation of that forever wars against everybody that Israel doesn’t like policy.