Wait until you see the co-pay- from the insurance company, not the doc. For the record, I don’t know one primary care physician that makes a dime off of any test (lab, imaging, procedures).
Several years ago, when I was 70, I informed my doctor that I had a stress test the previous fall. I had taken a pilgrimage with my church group: three days on the Appalachian Trail with about 30 pounds on my back. If that didn’t stop my heart, nothing was going to.
I also informed the doctor who replaced my knee several years before to let him know his handiwork passed the test.
Kind of like rushing you into the exam room, slapping on the BP cuff, pumping it up, telling you to open up for the thermometer and then telling you your BP is high.
FreihEitner Premium Member almost 4 years ago
That works. I can see that alright.
mddshubby2005 almost 4 years ago
“The test determined that you do indeed have stress. That’ll be $2,800.”
momofalex7 almost 4 years ago
Nobody could pass that stress test.
Superfrog almost 4 years ago
We were just establishing a baseline.
Concretionist almost 4 years ago
Aha! THAT’s why they do that. I wonder if the cold stethoscope is part of that plan too.
nosirrom almost 4 years ago
You think that’s stress? Wait until he has to schedule a COVID vaccine appointment.
Jayalexander almost 4 years ago
I’ve got your stress test right here pal. Those charge cards I used were knicked out of your wallet. Ha!
akachman Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Wait until you see the co-pay- from the insurance company, not the doc. For the record, I don’t know one primary care physician that makes a dime off of any test (lab, imaging, procedures).
dflak almost 4 years ago
Several years ago, when I was 70, I informed my doctor that I had a stress test the previous fall. I had taken a pilgrimage with my church group: three days on the Appalachian Trail with about 30 pounds on my back. If that didn’t stop my heart, nothing was going to.
I also informed the doctor who replaced my knee several years before to let him know his handiwork passed the test.
Hooligan918 almost 4 years ago
That poor guy has everything sticking out. Look at those eyes, ears and nose! Stubble too.
Lightpainter almost 4 years ago
The second part of the stress test is to send him to the mall wearing that “outfit”.
the lost wizard almost 4 years ago
The 2 hours you left me sitting here wearing this outfit with the door open was also helpful.
Radish... almost 4 years ago
I knew two people who got hospital stress test induced heart attacks, one died.
MichaelHelwig almost 4 years ago
Kind of like rushing you into the exam room, slapping on the BP cuff, pumping it up, telling you to open up for the thermometer and then telling you your BP is high.
WCraft Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Part 2: Have him wait for an hour when he arrives.
stillfickled Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I’m not getting anymore mammos done. Twice they called be back and said they needed me to come back because…….. Well I’m not falling for that anymore.
Lennia Machen Premium Member almost 4 years ago
No one needs an actual stress test in these times… just living through the pandemic is enough stress to test anyone!
FunnyMinnion almost 4 years ago
I think he cracked
DebUSNRet almost 4 years ago
Yeah, like dealing with the VA most of the time.