Strange Brew by John Deering for September 25, 2018

  1. Psx 20180717 164642
    Watcher  over 6 years ago

    And yet he is the only bear to do so.

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  2. New badger avatar
    tudza Premium Member over 6 years ago

    So, what about all the posters with Mr Bear pointing at me saying, “Only you can prevent forest fires.”? Oh, wait, on one wall we put the Smokey Bear poster and on the opposite wall be put the Uncle Sam poster. Some sort of dimensional warp is bound to form in the space between them.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    The bear is telling the humans only “they” (humans) can prevent the forest fires because animals don’t play with fire.

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  4. Forbear
    Qiset  over 6 years ago

    The ad campaign came later.

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  5. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  over 6 years ago

    With the incredibly destructive firestorms made so much worse by fire suppression, he shouldn’t be on the couch, he should be in jail.

    I used to respond to mentions of Smokey the Bear with “Forest fires prevent bears”, but the truth is, bears as a whole probably benefit from regular fires.

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  6. Mirth mobile 1
    posstockhoarder  over 6 years ago

    The shrink better hope that Smokey isn’t hungry!

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  7. Wailingandgnashing
    vics_machine Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Good thing for the therapist that that isn’t a Wiley Bear.

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    queenoftut  over 6 years ago

    If California would just allow controlled burns to get rid of the underbrush, they wouldn’t have so many devastating wild fires. But the tree-huggers would never allow that.

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  9. Frog4
    Digital Frog  over 6 years ago

    There once was an abbey that was known for it’s beautiful flower gardens. The friars that lived there however, had a problem. The roof required extensive repairs and they had no money. They decided the best way to raise the needed funds was to open a flower shop and sell their famous flowers. Unfortunately, this cut severely into the livelihood of the existing florist in town. He complained to the town, but the friars had got the proper licenses so nothing could be done. He approached the friars, but they indicated that this was their best hope. Finally, he hired a thug by the name of Hugh to run them out of town. Hugh went over one night, trashed the shop and roughed up the friars and sent them running back to their abbey. Moral of the story is:

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  10. Frog4
    Digital Frog  over 6 years ago

    Only Hugh can prevent florist friars.

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