Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for February 27, 2023

  1. Kumamon 2
    wallylm  about 2 years ago

    “Ever heard that rugby has hookers?”

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    scote1379 Premium Member about 2 years ago

    There are no rules in Rugby only Laws !

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    P51Strega  about 2 years ago

    Send two D-linemen over the top, one grabs the right arm, one grabs the left, and the ball goes free.

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    Geophyzz  about 2 years ago

    As an old offensive center, I’ve gotta say those short-yardage pushes by the Eagles O-line where a thing of beauty.

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    Polsixe  about 2 years ago

    Rugby League is a fun game, lots of running, lateral passes and tackling, all with no helmets or pads and no forward passes.

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    jagedlo  about 2 years ago

    That’s in the US; in other places, I’m sure the ratings are probably quite satisfactory!

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    Ellis97  about 2 years ago

    Ain’t football and rugby the same thing?

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    ajr58(1)  about 2 years ago

    @ Ellis97 Nah, rugby’s cooler. No wimpy breaks every 30 seconds. No hiding behind pads or using helmets or shoulder pads as weapons. Running all the time. I wager that the average pro rugby player is in better overall physical condition than the average NFL player. And yes, I like both sports

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    Alfred Brown  about 2 years ago

    And I’ll remind everyone that in the early 1900’s a bare-knuckle prize fighter told the college presidents in the US if they didn’t establish a league with rules to make football safer, he would ban it.So the colleges formed the NCAA and made Rugby into Football.We were here first.

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  10. Missing large  about 2 years ago

    To avoid injuries during these “short runs”,football players should wear “Flubbershoes”

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    PoodleGroomer  about 2 years ago

    The team here was doing it until the prize quarterback landed wrong and was out with a knee injury.

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    phoenixnyc  about 2 years ago

    Quite frankly, even though I’ve been bleeding Giant blue since 1976, I prefer both forms of rugby to American football.

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    attius9 Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Rugby would have better ratings if it were easier to find out when and where games were televised. They don’t even mention the local games in the local newspapers or tv news shows.

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    biz.gocomics  about 2 years ago

    That will change when the USA hosts the 2031 Rugby World Cup. (Remember what happened to soccer after the 1990 World Cup. At least the USA already has a major rugby league. Of course it’s called Major League Rugby!)

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