“I can’t shoot, I’m afraid of hitting Korak! Who isn’t actually by the hippos yet – he’s swimming out… Meanwhile I’m perfectly happy to be take the risk of hitting Anne – who is right in the middle of where I’m firing.”
Why rescue a fool, Korak? Nobody sane would try a stupid and dangerous stunt like that around any animals. Swim away and save yourself, oh son of Tarzan!
By all means save Ingrid-Anne, Korak, Son of Tarzan! She is the only saving grace of this dumb story (and that, only because she looks good in a bikini). Mike Machado, on the other hand, is ultimately expendable and might make nice Hippo Chowder….
SHAKEDOWNVILLE over 3 years ago
Not a “hip hip” hooray moment.
BigDaveGlass over 3 years ago
Reading this over breakfast, good stuff…..
LawrenceS over 3 years ago
“I can’t shoot, I’m afraid of hitting Korak! Who isn’t actually by the hippos yet – he’s swimming out… Meanwhile I’m perfectly happy to be take the risk of hitting Anne – who is right in the middle of where I’m firing.”
Gent over 3 years ago
Why rescue a fool, Korak? Nobody sane would try a stupid and dangerous stunt like that around any animals. Swim away and save yourself, oh son of Tarzan!
Old Comic Strip Lover over 3 years ago
If Machado was smart he would keep filming. No matter how it turns out it will make great footage!
SKJAM! Premium Member over 3 years ago
Mike Machado’s script: “And then my rival for Anne’s affection took a bullet and died, making me feel happy!”
joe piglet Premium Member over 3 years ago
Keep shooting the BB gun, we have seen this type of fire power month ago.
Out of the Past over 3 years ago
Unfortunately for Korak, the largest hippo was also named Anne.
SunflowerGirl100 over 3 years ago
Would a bullet from that little gun do anything more than annoy a hippo?
profkatz over 3 years ago
Has that dumb blonde bimbo twit grown a mustache in panel 2? If so it would be an improvement! Go HIPPOS, GO!!
ScottHolman over 3 years ago
I think Anne might have made those hippos mad.
anomaly over 3 years ago
Give it at least a couple more seconds before you panic…There. Now you can panic.
Sisyphos over 3 years ago
By all means save Ingrid-Anne, Korak, Son of Tarzan! She is the only saving grace of this dumb story (and that, only because she looks good in a bikini). Mike Machado, on the other hand, is ultimately expendable and might make nice Hippo Chowder….
flyintheweb over 3 years ago
If you are firing something heavy enough to bother a hippo, gonna be pretty hard to stay in an inflatable raft… recoil can be a witch.