Ted Rall for September 14, 2006
(Man: Hey CIA officers! The torture insurance you've been waiting for is here! For a mere $300 a year, the Wright & CO. Insuracne Company will cover you up to $1 illion in damages- plus $200,000 for attorney fees- if you're found guilty of torture.) Now thee's no excuse to take it easy on muslim detainees! Coming soon: More great insurance products for the modern torturer. (Man: Sorry, Bob.) Third-party collateral damage coers you when you accidentally hurt a fellow torturer. (Man: $200? How will my victims get buried on this?) (Man 2: You want the box? That'll double you premiums.) Comprehensive torture liability: Covers the cost of burial when tortue goes too far. Universal regime change pays blackwater mercenaries to bust you out of jail if Americans ever come to their senses.