Ted Rall for January 15, 2009
Helping people is controversial. But that's how you save the economy. (Man 1: If people had jobs, they couldn't afford to pay higher taxes for programs to create jobs!) (Man 2: Ok- can we save half the economy?) But no one ever questions the high cost of war. (Barack Obama: If only we could find $1 trillion to stave off Econo-apocalypse!) (Isn't that the annual cost of reinvading Afghanistan?) The solution declares war against the United States. Anyone who objects to the cost is a traitor! (Man 3: Surrender in the name of the U.S!) (Barack Obama: Ok! You got me!) If U.S. occupation troops treat the U.S. The way they treat Iraq. We'll be fine, well, mostly fine. (Man 4: There's an unguarded skin of $100 bills outside. But we're also gonna need to torture Y'all.)