Ted Rall for July 04, 2009
Philosophie, FR bulletin board 1936. JPSartre: I think I've finally reconciled the conflict between phenomenology and free will. <<Nausee>> posits the absurdity of death and terrible burden of personal responsibility. GarconTroll: LMAO ROTF! Who are you to teaach anyone anything, dorkass loser! Nice glass-not! JPSartre: Limited choices in eyewear reflect the shortcomings of the capitalist/consumerist system. Yet I accept my own failures in doing better. Now, I'm wondering, what do you guys think of using fiction as a device to populate existentialism? SecondSexGrrl: Very clever. Campus couldn't do better. JPSartre: I regret dissing Kant, but the world's indifference to the individual makes it unavoidable. GarconTroll: Get a room, fatties!!!!!! JPSartre: We're not fat...